Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun by


A feed for Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun! 【地縛少年花子くん】/【Hanako-Kun e os Mistérios do Colégio Kamome】 Use the tag "#TBHK" or related keywords to post here!

Mitsukou by


A feed for a ship from Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun! 【地縛少年花子くん】/【Hanako-Kun e os Mistérios do Colégio Kamome】 Gathers all posts containing the word "Mitsukou" or "光ミツ."

Astrocket's Art by

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All of my art in one place! This feed exists so you can easily find my art without going through unrelated images. Also consider checking out my Tumblr to see my art!

TBHK Fanart by

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A feed for Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun fanart! 【地縛少年花子くん】/【Hanako-Kun e os Mistérios do Colégio Kamome】 Gathers all posts from the main Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun feed with art related keywords (such as "🎨") (alt text included). [STILL A WIP]